Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Well, it finally happened...we did get visited by one of the bears on Sugar Island!

This one wasn't big, as most bears go...under 200 pounds. Our neighbors had one in their back yard they said was probably between 400 & 500.

I had just come home from work & was sitting at the bar telling MPK (he was sitting at the table) ablut seeing another bear about a mile away, just as I was turning down our road. It was coming
out one neighbor's driveway & headed into the bush right next to another neighbor's house!

All of a sudden the electricity went out. MPK did have the satellite radio on & had been working outside & listened to it through the outside speakers. About 5 minutes later, I saw something out of the corner of my eye out the front window that overlooks the river.

At first I thought it was a black bird on the deck railing...until it raised it's head!

I grabbed my digital camera & MPK grabbed the video camera. I took this shot just after the bear turned away from the window...we were just standing there in awe, because it looked like the bear was coming right at him.

After he headed around the side of the house, I thought he was going for the bird feeder on that side...instead, as I opened the back door & was half way across the deck, he was just coming up the steps! We both did some fancy backward steps & he turned & ran between the car & truck.

After he finally wiped out all of our feeders, he decided to make his way down the road to see if the some of the other neighbors had anything better to, maybe a Bar-B-Q party going on?

The weather has been so cold that there isn't any food yet (such as berries, etc.) for all the bears who are coming out of hibernation....which is why they are being bolder & coming closer to human habitat.
We do live on a dead end road, but so many more people have moved here since MPK built KFC...we joke about it when we hear traffic go by. MPK says that Walmart has opened their annex at the end of the road!
It's amazing to see these animals close up. And, believe me - there is a very BIG difference about how you feel being that close to them having the window between you & them OR NOT!!!!!
MPK & I both put in to the lottery to get a liscense to hunt bear. This year we will probably both
draw out. We'lll hunt at MPK's hunt camp "The Hoot - N - Holler" which is about 20 miles east, closer to Pickford, Mi. It's a 40 acre camp where we both hunt during the deer season. But I'll save that for a later blog!
I'm just hoping for warmer weather so the bear can go back in the bush & have plenty to eat of their own!

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