Sunday, April 26, 2009


This picture is of a small whimsical sign that MPK made for me to put in my rock garden. And every time I look at it I thank God for it. Because if it hadn’t been for that funny-looking little posie, there would be another sunken wreck on the bottom of Lake Michigan and most likely the loss of at least twelve lives.
I made my first rock garden here at KFC 11 or 12 years ago. A couple of years later, MPK made this sign for my garden as a joke - but I thought it was so sweet that I insisted on putting there. He made it when he was at work. He’s an ABS (Able Bodied Seaman) and works on a combination tug/barge which delivers cement to various ports around the Great Lakes. He’s one of the last of his breed…they don’t make ‘em like him any more. Now the guys are trained in class rooms to do one specific thing on a ship. And when they get on board - they find out they don’t really know a heck of a lot & they usually get their “on-the-job training” from all the other “tug-boaters”. He’s the hardest working man I’ve ever known and I have a hard time keeping up with him…just thinking about him makes me tired!
MPK cut down a small maple tree & screwed my posie to the stump. It’s my favorite thing in the garden. Although it stands about 2 feet tall - it gets completely covered with snow in the winter. I also use it as a gauge to let me know if the snow is really melting in the Spring! I just keep looking for the bright yellow to peep through the snow. (No, I didn’t say “yellow snow”!) After sitting in the garden for 4 or 5 years, it got looking a little rough so MPK decided that he’d take it to work with him about a year ago to spruce it up.
He went off to work in February & took my posie with him. He told me that a lot of the guys on the boat tried to tease him about the posie sign…but at 6 foot 3, it never bothered him. He’d been gone for a few weeks when he called me one night to tell me that my garden posie had probably saved his ship & most likely the lives of all 12 guys on it, including him! Although the crises was over at that moment, I could tell it had been serious by the strain in his voice & he seemed to be still pumped up with adrenaline. He told me that he had been working on the sign in his free time & had gotten it to the point where it was finished & he’d put about 3 coats of polyurethane on it. He said that he planned on leaving it to “cure“ while it was in an out-of-the-way place where he could leave it. He then said that they had left the port in either Green Bay or Manatowok, Wisconsin after delivering a load of cement. He’d been up for hours because he had to work overtime while they were unloading. He’d just gotten off his shift & was really tired. He said that he’d planned on going straight to the tug & to bed, but he thought, at the last minute that he’d check on the posie sign just to make sure that it didn’t need another coat of polyurethane. I’ve been on his ship countless times & he’s given me tours. To get from the deck - it’s a very long walk to the door to the engine room. There are lots of very steep stairs. You have to go through the (very loud) engine room & the ballast pump room & through a door that leads into the hull of the barge. You then have to go through a tunnel to the very front of the hull. It’s very dark & very close quarters until you get to the very front. MPK had work out equipment up there as well as his wood working tools.
Sorry - back to the story…he said that after he went below deck & the closer he got to the space where his work shop was - the louder the sound was of running water. I don’t think that I have to tell you...that’s the worst thing that a seaman could experience. He said that he could see a dent & split in the side of the hull where water was pouring into the ship! He luckily still had his radio with him & reported to the captain that they were taking on water. They tried to get the bilge pumps going but one of them failed. The captain then radioed a “May Day” to the coast guard. At the time he called me, he said the coast guard was towing them back to the port.
The cause of the split in the 2 inch thick steel hull? The day before, they’d gotten stuck in the ice trying to get into the dock & a big piece of ice pierced the metal. MPK said that if he hadn’t gone down to check on the posie, they would have never known of the split in the hull until they got out in the middle of Lake Michigan - with only one bilge pump working. And if that ship would have gone down…the human body can only last so long in those frigid waters, even with insulated life suits on.
He told me that the guys told him to tell me “Thanks”. I said, “What for?” He said that they were thanking him, but he told them it wasn’t him - it was my posie sign.” And to that - they said, “Well then, tell Cheryl we said ‘Thanks’”. Hmmm…guess that means the guys are no longer teasing him about it.
And my posie? It came through yet another Sugar Island winter looking just as bright as the day it was made. And whenever I catch sight of it in my garden, I say a prayer thanking God for giving those 12 men a little longer on this earth.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter

I hope everyone has a Happy Easter!

Friday, April 3, 2009


These pictures were sent to a gal I work with from her daughter. Her daughter received them from a girlfriend who lives in Timmins, Ont., Canada. The pictures are of a rare white moose found around that area.

There are so many moose in Canada that they have quite a problem with accidents on their roads & freeways. I saw a documentary a while ago where they said the moose come out of the bush to the roads to lick the salt on the roads in the winter. Hitting a moose is a little different than hitting a deer. Moose have longer legs and are A WHOLE LOT BIGGER!!! It would be like comparing a very emaciated small horse to a train locomotive! I could be mistaken, but they might even be a tad bit bigger than Elk & Caribou.

I suppose that I could Google & come up with the stats. But frankly, I would really rather not get into the boring technical stuff. Just trust me to say that I’m somewhere in the ballpark. And the difference between hitting a deer & hitting a moose with a car is: a deer will hit the front of the car & do a whole lot of damage. But when a car hit’s a moose - the only thing that comes in contact with the front of the car is the legs. Guess where the HUGE BODY ends up? Yeah, windshield for sure! Consequently, there are more fatalities with car/moose accidents than with car/deer accidents.

We have moose on Sugar Island, but they’re very rarely seen out of the bush. I feel very privileged to have had an encounter with a moose since I’ve moved up here. And no, I didn’t hit it with my car. It happened when I was renting the small house down the road from KFC. It was about 10:00 AM. I had to be at work at 11:00 so I had to leave to catch the 10:30 ferry. (Hmmm…I’ll save the calculations for catching the ferry as well as the fares for another blog.) I had just backed out of the driveway & had only driven about 20 yards, I was about 10 yards from the property line that had a line of thick trees. The moose came out of that tree-line, through the ditch & onto the road at a slow gallop. It was a very young one…almost as tall as a full grown one. When it came out it saw me, but it merely turned & continued at it’s same pace for another 40 yards or so straight down the road. It then turned into one of the neighbor’s driveway. I stopped & watched it keep going with it’s awkward gait.
I was going slow when he came out on the road, but I got to the point where he was just about 5 feet in front of my car! I just followed him along like that until he went off down the driveway. I had to stop on the road because I was laughing so hard that I couldn't’t see for the tears! I swear, it looked like it’s body rose 5 feet in the air ever time it took a step! I found out a couple of days later that it was probably one of three that my neighbor had seen going through his yard the same way. He told me that there was a male, a female & a calf. He said that the male had a “gimpy” leg. I didn’t hear any more about them.
A year or so after that, there was an article in the local paper with a picture of a moose crossing the I-75 expressway going out of town. There were a lot of reports from people who witnessed it swimming across the river from Sugar Island to the mainland & going through people’s yards in town on it’s way.
I have one more moose related story…sorry, but this one isn’t very funny. This happened around the same time as all the other sightings. Some guy was caught after he killed a moose on Sugar Island. They’re protected and on the “endangered species” list still here in Michigan. The guy’s excuse was that he thought that it was a deer! Besides the size issue, it wasn’t even hunting season! The guy ended up with a hefty fine & jail time.
I’ve been to the western part of the UP quite a few times and I’ve never seen any moose, although I’ve heard there are a lot of them over that way. There’s an auto dealership in a town named Newberry that advertises as being “The Moose Capital of the World”.
MPK actually went on a hunting trip in Canada & shot a moose. We have the rack mounted on the wall in the great room. But I’ll save that for another blog.